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Teaching Assistant

Workshop, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Telecommunication Engineering, 2021


Educational Books

less than 1 minute read


In this blog post, I intend to summarize some interesting and highly informative books I have read.

Dealing with stress

less than 1 minute read


Over here, I plan to share the difficulties I face as a research student and provide helpful tips on how I navigate through them.




MC at High School Graduation Ceremony


As the Master of Ceremony for this event, I capitalized on this opportunity to bring to the minds of parents, what it means to invest in their wards’ education and why being involved in the their wards’ lives goes a long way to help their outputs and that of society at large. I also highlighted the in-built reciprocity that exists between teachers and parents when it comes to raising students in the right direction. Picture from the event.

Graduate School vs Industry


In this talk, I shared my experience as a graduate student, the opportunities surrounding Master’s and PhD holders and why industries in recent times seek the expertise of PhD holders. I also used this opportunity to advise undergraduate students, who are yet to make decisions with regards to their careers to get as much information as possible, as the bridge between where we are and where we want to find ourselves is information. Meeting Information.


Science and Mathematics Tutor

Junior High School, JHS 1-3, Science and Mathematics, 2015

  • Taught Junior High School (JHS) Students Integrated Science and Mathematics.
  • Established the Science Learners’ Club where science discoveries are discussed to stimulate students’ interest in science.

Intern Information Technology Tutor

Ghana Armed Forces, Headquarters, 1 Signal Regiment, 2019

  • Taught Other Rank soldiers cellular network protocols and data communication networks.
  • Gave lessons for an hour, twice a week.

Teaching Assistant

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, West Africa, Telecommunication Engineering, 2021

  • Taught students Applied Electricity, Mobile and Satellite Communication, Electromagnetism, Antenna Design and Wave Propagation.
  • Mentored final year students in implementing their final year projects.
  • Taught sophomore students programming with matlab and python.